In Turkey, there are special laws that guide properties that have been inherited from deceased people. Turkey has an established and modern law that guides properties that have been inherited.
The natural heirs to receive an inheritance from a deceased person are the wife and the children. If the deceased dies without a wife or a child, the asset can be shared among their parents, grandparents, siblings, or grandchildren.
An inheritance is a property that someone has obtained from a deceased person – who is or not related to them. In Some cases, an inheritance is a property from a deceased person that must be divided among a group of people called heirs. Inheritance can be in the form of property, debt, or money. Heirs have the right to accept or reject inheritances.
If a Turkish citizen dies, that hospital will automatically send their “death certificate” to the necessary government departments like the courts, a register of Deeds, and the Registry offices. The heirs to the deceased can commence the process of claiming their inheritance.
They can go to a notary public or a court to get a document known as the certificate of exclusivity. This is a certificate that contains all their rights to the property. It will contain the rights of inheritance of the spouse and off-springs in terms of immovable and movable properties.
This is the certificate that authorizes the property to be shared in the manner stated therein. However, this will not go on until the inheritance tax is paid.
Foreigners who live in Turkey will have to pay transfer and inheritance tax for all inherited properties. This is applicable whether the heir is living in the country or not.
Turkey charges very low inheritance taxes in comparison to many EU countries. The inheritance tax will usually vary based on the property’s value. Then again, if the price of the property falls, there is usually a lower deductible tax rate.
In Turkey, the inheritance tax rate can be between 1% and 30%. The actual value will vary based on the property’s location and the heir’s residence status.
As a foreigner, if your property is subjected to Turkish law, then you will have to pay the transfer and inheritance tax when the time comes.
Whenever a person inherits any Turkish property, they will have to record this property with the Turkish General Directorate of Real Estate and Cadastre. Foreigners are mandated to do this, while citizens of the country will not have to present any documents as the process is executed automatically.
To begin this process, foreigners will have to present documents such as “Marriage Registration” and “Certificate of Exclusivity of Inheritance.” If there are several heirs to the property, one heir can apply on behalf of the others.
After the documents have been submitted, they will be expected to pay the inheritance tax. After payment, the process of respiration will be executed two days later.
The law on property inheritance in Turkey is controlled by the country’s law on Inheritance. The law can be complex for normal people, but a Turkish lawyer can explain the entire process better.
To hire a Turkish inheritance lawyer, they will have to be experienced in the field of property inheritance, especially in Turkey. Some specialized attorneys can help clients get the right information about heirs and how to take possession of inherited family properties in Turkey.